Bring Good Shui & Harmony into your space with indoor plants

good feng shui and harmony with indoor plants

One of the most practical ways to maintain ease and good flow of energy in your home is with plants.

Lush, vigorous plants can help improve all aspects of your life because they represent abundance, health, and vitality. They also help cleanse the air and remove toxins from the environment. When placed in specific areas of your space and are nurtured with intention, plants can help harmonize the energy flow of the environment, your energy, and everyone who lives in it.

If there are areas of your life you’d like to work on, such as Career, Relationships, Health, Finances, Family, Knowledge, Creativity, or simply want to welcome more opportunities to flow in your life, download this simple Feng Shui Bagua map to locate those areas in your home. My #goodshui tip: start in the bedroom. In Feng Shui, the bed correlates to Health: emotional, spiritual, and physical.

Here’s a list of easy-to-care-for plants that can help cleanse the air and make you feel more balanced, grounded, and cheerful:


chinese evergreen Aglaonema
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

The evergreen foliage represents purity, nature and the positive energy it radiates. It increases energy. Good to place in office, living room, or playroom.


african violet
African Violet

The rounded leaves of the violet resemble coins and therefore symbolize wealth, and is best placed in the Wealth Area.


Boston Fern

Use ferns to fill up a corner or as a welcoming greeter at the entrance to a home. Removes formaldehyde.



Colorful plants add tropical flare. Because of the sharp or spiky appearance of bromiliads, it’s best to use away from people. Good to place close to computers as they absorb radiation.


cacti zenotica

Cacti help with energy drainers such as EMF’s (electro magnetic fields) coming off computers, printers, and other electronics. Place one behind the computer monitor or in a discreet place in your office. They help absorb radiation.


English ivy
English Ivy

Trailing vines of ivy help soften any “poison arrows” that point at you where you sleep or work. Ivy removes benzene found in plastics and helps control formaldehyde from carpets and paint.


A large ficus can serve as a room divider or symbolically lift a low ceiling. This plant can also help remove formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia from the air.

heartleaft philodendron
Heartleaf Philodendron

This lush heart-shaped leaf plant grows well under natural and artificial light. The leaves represent the Fire element and can add vigor to a dark or cold area of your home. This is a great plant to use in the bedroom. 😉


green jade

This succulent plant has vibrant green leaves that are symbolic of growth and renewal, closely resembling coins/stones, symbolic of wealth and prosperity. The Jade plant gives off nourishing “chi” the positive energy. Place it near the entrance or in the office. It reflects vibrant, well-rooted energy.


lucky bamboo
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is easy to grow, doesn’t require a lot of sunlight, and because it can be grown in water, it can be great choice for offices and kitchens. Bamboo represents abundance, flexibility, resilience.



Orchids symbolize prosperity, joy, love, and also bring stability and serenity. Great for any room of your home. Add vibrancy to the bedroom by placing a colorful arrangement in indirect light.


indoor palm tree

Palms are ideal to create a room divider, especially when placed in a colorful planter to activate any missing Feng Shui Elements in a room. Palms remove xylene and formaldehyde from carpeting.


peace lily plant
Peace Lily

The Peace Lily plant grows well under artificial light and produces white flowers, making it ideal for office settings as well as living rooms and hallways.


Pothos (Golden Pothos)

Pothos plants are great air purifiers and removers of chemicals, vapors, and toxins in the furnishings made from synthetic materials. Very easy to care for. Great to use in dark or empty corners.



This large heart-shaped leaf philodendron plant grows well under natural and artificial light. The leaves represent the Fire element that can add energy to dark or cold areas of your space.


rubber plant
Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are especially auspicious when placed in the “Wealth Area” of your home because the round leaves symbolize good fortune, abundance, and wealth.


spider plant
Spider Plant

This hanging plant filters carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and xylene, especially when placed near a fireplace.


Work, school, and home life are becoming more integrated and many of us are facing challenges maintaining daily tasks and responsibilities separated. Sometimes these areas overlap and we find it difficult to stay focused, grounded, and motivated. We are constantly shifting and looking for ways to make the most of our time, our space, and overall well-being.

Connect with me to learn how Feng Shui and complementary high-vibrational, energy-balancing methods can help harmonize, clear, and shift your energy and that of your space. I offer you my support through this incredible covid time.

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indoor plants for good shui -art: KristinaKemenikova

Artwork credit: Kristina Kemenikova ~ vibrant visual brands & harmonious spaces. Brand Design • Web Design • Feng Shui, Katy, Houston, TX © 2025 ZENOTICA®.