Living with Hep-C, a 26-year healing journey from the inside-out

healing journey from the inside-outOne of the areas that I’m focusing on this year is building my business. I launched my rebranded company, Zenotica, at the turn of the year with enthusiasm and joy in order to serve and raise more awareness to the path that I’ve chosen as a creative, holistic, and spiritual entrepreneur.

My intention for my rebrand is for this sole reason: to provide brand identity services and the design system of Feng Shui combined while still providing stand-alone services through either of my design practices. My passion for balance, harmony, and beauty sparks my desire to bring it to material form, however possible: through color, symmetry, light, and the art of proper placement.

This idea of infusing practices came about because I was struggling for a couple of years trying to maintain two separate entities. Simply put, I was going through my own identity crisis. I love creating harmonious living spaces just as much as I love designing vibrant visual brands for my clients. I’ve also been practicing Feng Shui for my own healing process for so long, that is just part of my lifestyle.

Feng Shui is widely known as an ancient design system used to shift the energy flow of the environment, to harmonize energy and help bring peace, balance, and stability into the spaces and that of its occupants. Some may perceive Feng Shui to be primarily centered around nifty furniture arrangement, aesthetics, and interior design, but it’s more than that.

I first learned about Feng Shui during my college freshman year when I was studying Architecture in 1989, at a technical college in Norwalk, CT. It was until a few years later, when I moved to Miami, that I crossed paths again with this method, at a local metaphysical bookstore. I picked up a book titled, Feng Shui: Harmony by Design, by Andie SantoPietro. It caught my attention. Flipping through the pages, I read, “Mindful application is the KEY to balance, design, and GOOD FENG SHUI.” – that stroke a cord and lightbulbs lit up. I could not put the book down. I wanted to absorb it all at once, already feeling a calming force on my quest for creating balance in my life.

What was an even more profound experience was honing into the wisdom that Feng Shui provides when properly applying it for health concerns. When Andie, the same author, came out with her breakthrough book titled, Feng Shui and Health, the Anatomy of a Home, I learned the true connection between living in my own space and my actual well-being, and how I re-create disharmonious patterns in my home without even being aware of it. 

I also learned that by combining and working with the Chakra Energy System to attune to the emotional, spiritual, and physical attributes, that could also help improve my own health and that of my environment. That was my A-HA! moment and dove into Feng Shui head on. I wanted to tap into this wisdom with all my might I was on a mission! I wanted to study with Andie. But lo and behold, energy led me on a different path.

Although my dream to study side-by-side with Andie had to be put on hold indefinitely, I continued practicing diligently on my own. I created a serene and harmonious space that welcomed a new loving relationship. You see, that was one of the areas that I concentrated on when I initially put Feng Shui into action. I wanted balance, peace, love, and a successful design career, and I received it all with a breath of fresh air.

Fifteen years later and with the loving support of my husband, family, my mentor Andie, and wonderful friends, I gained the courage to give myself another chance to physically heal. I was living with hepatitis-c since 1990. I contracted the virus from a blood transfusion after the birth of my first son. I went through a very rough patch in my young 20’s, feeling angry, confused, let down, lonely, and very depressed.

The video that I’m sharing below is an open and humble conversation I had with my dear friend, Wendy Hutchinson. I talk about my 26-year healing journey and how I learned to align my energy with that of my space to create a peaceful haven where I would cope living with hep-c better. Through our conversation, we talk about how essential it is to allow and dedicate time for self-introspection, self-care, and self-compassion for emotional healing.  There was a time when I held deeply-rooted reasons for conforming to living with the virus which I hope to share with you soon.

The thought of giving a new medical treatment a try in 2015 was instilled by my beloved teacher and mentor, Andie. I am very grateful for her gentle nudges for they had me contemplate on a crucial part of my life that I was a little scared to face. I trusted my inner compass and took a huge leap with faith.

Through this life-changing journey, I have gained more compassion for myself and learned the true meaning of wholesome health – only this time, by diving deeply within my being.

I’m grateful for Wendy for holding space where I share a part of my story with you.

If this story resonates with you or if you feel like sharing a part of your healing journey with me, I’m here holding space for you. Peace.

To learn more about Wendy’s work as a spiritual and life coach, and as a fellow Marconics Energy Practitioner, visit:





© – 2020 ~ vibrant visual brands & harmonious spaces. Brand Design • Web Design • Feng Shui, Katy, Houston, TX © 2025 ZENOTICA®.